• Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

  • Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

  • Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Coco Crunch Chocolate Chips Cookies

Coco Crunch Chocolate Chips Cookies


  • 100 gr Nestle COCO CRUNCH, blender halus.
  • 50 gr coklat chips
  • 300 gr mentega
  • 250 gr gula halus
  • 4 btr kuning telur
  • 350 gr tepung terigu
  • 30 gr tepung maizena
  • 40 gr susu bubuk DANCOW full cream
  • 1 sdt Baking powder (BP)

Cara membuat:

  1. Campur tepung terigu, tepung maizena, ayak, sisihkan.
  2. Kocok mentega dan gula hingga lembut, tambahkan telur kocok cepat, tuang BP, kocok lagi satu menit.
  3. Masukkan campuran terigu, aduk rata, tuang coco crunch dan choklat chips, aduk rata.
    Bentuk bulatan dan susun diatas loyang yang sudah dipoles mentega tipis, beri jarak satu dengan lainnya, tekan perlahan dengan garpu.
  4. Panggang dalam oven hingga matang. Lk. 30 menit dengan suhu 150’C.
Tips: coklat chips dapat juga ditata sebagai hiasan diatas cookies selain dicampur kedalam adonan.


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