• Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

  • Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

  • Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Resep Sayuran | Salad Ubi White House a la Sam Kass

Resep Sayuran | Salad Ubi White House a la Sam Kass

Sweet potato is a family favorite preseiden Obama. Because they like the food nutritious and simple, Sam Kass was concocting this salad. Ubi an abundant harvest from the garden of the White House.

2-3 pieces of sweet potato yellow / white / orange
2 tie leaves kailan / bokchoy / mustard
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 teaspoon honey
½ tsp cinnamon powder
¼ teaspoon powdered cloves
½ tsp pepper powder
1 teaspoon salt
¼ tablespoon olive oil


* Peel and cut sweet potatoes into pieces small.
* Heat oil in frying pan a bit much. Fried sweet potatoes until cooked.
* Drain and add seasonings. Set aside.
* Saute garlic until fragrant. Enter the vegetables, stirring until wilted.
* Season salt and pepper and stir well.
* Mix the sweet potatoes with vegetables, lemon juice and honey. Mix well.
* Serve immediately.

For 4 people


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