• Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

  • Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

  • Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Maids of Honour Food Recipes,Ingredients, Preparation method,Image

Maids of Honour Food Recipes,Ingredients, Preparation method,Image

The Maid of Honour cake has been part of Richmond history for nearly 300 years. It Is believed that Henry VIIIth was the first to use its name when he met Ann Boleyn and other Maids Of Honour at his Royal Household of Richmond Palace eating the cakes from a silver dish.

The first Richmond Maids of Honour shop can be traced back to the early 18th century and it is here Robert Newens the present owners great great grandfather served his apprenticeship. The cakes soon became a feature of taking tea in fashionable Richmond.

150 ml (1/4 pint) milk
25 g (1 oz) cake crumbs
50 g (2 oz) English butter, cut into small pieces
25 g (1 oz) caster sugar 40 g (1 1/2 oz) ground almonds
1 egg, beaten
grated rind of 1 lemon
few drops of almond flavouring
175 g (6 oz) shortcrust pastry
raspberry jam

1. Heat milk in a saucepan to almost boiling point, then stir in cake crumbs, butter, sugar, ground almonds, egg, lemon rind and almond flavouring. Stir well and leave to stand for about 5 minutes.
2. Meanwhile roll out the pastry and cut fifteen rounds using a fluted 6.5 cm (3-inch) cutter. Place in buttered patty tins and spread jam in the base of each. Divide the filling equally among them.
3. Bake in the oven at 220°C (425°F) mark 7 for 15 - 20 minutes, until firm and golden.
Makes 15


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