Wednesday, March 24, 2010
April Cake Tasting
Here's the info for the next cake tasting. If you're curious about how the cakes taste or you just want a few free cupcakes then this is your chance! Hope to see you there!Date: Tuesday April 6, 2010Place: 4608 Jones Creek rd. suite 250 (White Oak Village shopping center)Time: Open 2pm - 7pmPlease rsvp by phone or email to reserve your sampl...
M & R Wedding

Here are the cakes I did for the wedding last weekend. The wedding was held at Mount Hope Plantation. It was beautiful! And the people working there were so nice and helpful. The bride and groom were wonderful to work with too! I'm so flattered to be a part of such a special d...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Resep Kue Russian Cheese Cake

Bahan I:150 gr mentega150 gr gula pasir halus300 gr tepung terigu50 gr cokelat bubuk1 sdt baking powder1 sdm air jeruk lemon½ sdt garam¼ sdt vanili Bahan II:750 gr cream cheese (cottage)250 gr gula pasir250 gr mentega, lelehkan3 btr telur100 gr tepung terigu½ sdt garam1 sdm air jeruk lemon Cara Membuat:Buat bahan I: aduk rata mentega, gula pasir, tepung terigu, cokelat bubuk, baking powder, air jeruk lemon, garam, dan vanili.Giling 3 per 4 bagian adonan di dasar loyang bulat bongkar pasang diameter...