• Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

  • Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

  • Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Resep Roti Tawar

Bahan:1 kg tepung terigu protein tinggi11 gr ragi instant20 gr susu bubuk full cream100 gr gula pasir2 btr telur60 gr mentega putih15 gr garam475 ml air es Cara membuatnya: Dalam wadah satukan tepung terigu, gula pasir, ragi instant, dan susu bubuk, aduk rata. Beri telur, dan tuangi air es secara bertahap sambil diuleni hingga tercampur rata dan bergumpal-gumpal. Masukkan mentega putih dan garam, lanjutkan menguleni hingga adonan kalis elastis. Bulatkan dan istirahatkan...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

March Cake Tasting

Thanks to everyone who came to the February cake tasting! Here's the info for the next cake tasting day:Date: Tuesday March 9thPlace: 4608 Jones Creek rd. suite 250 (in the White Oak Village shopping center)Time: Open 11 am-7pmPlease RSVP by phone or email to reserve your sampl...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Resep Kue Watermelon Cookies

Bahan:300 gr mentega/margarin225 gr gula bubuk50ml whipped cream1 sdt perenyah cookies (Optional)1 sdt vanilla pasta3 btr kuning telur2sdt melon flavour½ sdt garam Cara membuat:kocok semua bahan hingga lembut dan rata, lalu bagi menjadi 3 :1/3 bagian diberi :175 gr tepung terigu50 gr almond bubuk10 gr tepung maizena20 gr susu bubuk FC1 sdm wijen hitam yg sudah di sangraipewarna merah secukupnyaaduk...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ashley Manor Bridal Show

I'll be participating in my first bridal show in a couple of weeks! I'm so excited! It'll be held at Ashley Manor off of Old Hammond hwy. I've been to a couple of parties there and really enjoyed it. The show is free for brides and $5 for other guests. There will be several vendors there as well as games and prizes. (I'm submitting a prize!) There's no pre-registration required so if you decide to come at the last minute then that's totally ok. Here's the information I have and if you need more, then just call Melanie at Ashley Manor. (225-272-0136) Hope to see you there!Date: Wed. Feb. 24, 2010Time: 6:30-8:30pmPlace: 14214 Old Hammond Hwy. Baton Rouge, LA 70...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Putu Ayu

Bahan: a.3 butir telur ayam b.275gr gula pasir c.100 santan b.275 gr terigu d.Kelapa muda diparut memanjang,tambahkan sedikit garam Caranya: 1.Kocok telur dan gula hingga kental,masukan terigu,aduk perlahan hingga rata.Setelah itu masukan santan kental dan beri warna. 2.Siapkan cetakan olesi dengan minyak dan msukan kelapa parut ,ratakan didasar cetakan sambil ditekan.Lalu tuang adonan putu ayu.Kukus hingga matang...

Coco Crunch Chocolate Chips Cookies

Bahan:100 gr Nestle COCO CRUNCH, blender halus.50 gr coklat chips300 gr mentega250 gr gula halus4 btr kuning telur350 gr tepung terigu30 gr tepung maizena40 gr susu bubuk DANCOW full cream1 sdt Baking powder (BP) Cara membuat: Campur tepung terigu, tepung maizena, ayak, sisihkan. Kocok mentega dan gula hingga lembut, tambahkan telur kocok cepat, tuang BP, kocok lagi satu menit. Masukkan campuran terigu, aduk rata, tuang...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sus Macan Tutul

Bahan Dasar Sus: 100 gr margarin 100 gr tepung terigu 3 btr telur 200 ml air ½ sdt baking powder Topping: 20 gr margarin 20 ml minyak sayur 30 gr gula halus 1 btr telur 10 gr susu bubuk 1 sdm cokelat bubuk 70 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi Vla: 500 ml susu segar ½ sdt garam ¼ sdt vanilla 75 gr tepung maizena 2 kuning telur 100 gr krim kocok Cara membuat: Kulit sus: campur margarine dan air, masak sampai mendidih, masukkan tepung terigu,...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Bolu Gulung

Bolu GulungBahan A6 butir kuning telur5 telur125 gr gula pasir10 gr emulsifier20 gr susu bubuk100 gr terigu1 gr Baking powder1 sdm air Cairkan :100 gr mentega25 gr butter1 sdm rhum bakar / vanilla flavour Cara membuatKocok semua bahan A sampai mengembang (bila menggunakan mixer sekalibersignora). Lalu masukkan mentega cairBila menggunakan hand mixer, kocok telur dan gula, emulsifier sampaimengembang, masukkan air. Tambahkan campuran terigu BP dan susu bubuk.Masukkan mentega cairPanggang di loyang...