• Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

  • Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

  • Recipes Chocolate Pralines

    Chocolate Pralines combine the crumbly, nutty taste of classic pralines with rich semi-sweet chocolate. ...


    Bahan : * 300 gr daging sapi has dalam * 100 gr lobak * 2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis. ...


    In a large bowl, mix together all of the frosting ingredients until well blended. Spread over cake. Store in the refrigerator.. ...

  • Rempeyek Kacang

    Bahan: * 400 gr tepung beras * ½ sendok makan tapioka * ½ kg kacang tanah dikupas dan dibelah 2 * 4 buah bawang putih. ...

  • Recipes Red fruit salad with mint syrup

    Enjoy this refreshing dessert that doesn't take forever to prepare and goes down a treat with guests. . ...

Monday, July 6, 2009


Topsy Turvy Cake ConstructionEdnas CakesAine2's How To'sCake BossChocolate TransfersNatalia's How To's3-D R2D2 CakeGumpaste Baby BootiesDrop StringsBasketweaveHow to Make Cake TrufflesSharing and Caring-Cake Decorating and Sugar Art TutorialsWilton's Youtube ChannelBeautiful Gumpaste Flower Tutori...

Yea! $50!

I entered a picture of one of my baby shower cakes in an online contest over at Cutest Baby Shower Ideas and won 1st place. And it comes with a prize of a $50 gift certificate! Hooray for online contes...

Kreative Blogger Award

Thank you Kanga for giving me the Kreative Blogger Award! Ok, let's see if I can get this right.Here are the RULES of this Award:(1) Thank the person who nominated you for this award. (check)(2) Copy the logo and place it on your blog. (cannot figure this out yet)(3) Link to the person who nominated you for this award. (check)(4) Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting. (check)(5) Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers. (check)(6) Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate. (check)(7) Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.7 bloggers I nominate are...http://modestmaven.blogspot.com/http://sugarteachers.blogspot.com/http://minetterushing.typepad.com/my_weblog/http://sugarbloomcupcakes.blogspot.comhttp://charmainepastry.blogspot.com/http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/http://mooshinindy.com/7...